According to the 2014 Health and Health Survey released by the General Goods Manufacturers Association (GMA): Between 2002 and 2013, more than 30,000 healthy food choices have appeared on the market, and it’s just four years ago. In the time, more than 10,000 products have been listed.

“Consumers want to eat better and they want to do so to some extent in line with their lifestyle. The 2014 GMA Health and Health Survey showed that the food industry has responded to this demand in a meaningful way. American food and beverage companies have provided consumers with thousands of brand-new product choices. Their calorie, fat, sugar, and sodium content are very small, helping to help them build for themselves and their families. Healthy eating habits,” said Pamela G. Bailey, GMA president/CEO.

The report also stressed that 46% of companies have launched single product packaging services to help consumers effectively control their calorie intake.

In 2014 alone, Packaging Digest already covered a large number of leading brand single product service packaging options. Health-conscious consumers have some degree of control over the product's packaging specifications to inspire this ever-increasing demand. I have created a slide that shows some of the top-notch leading designs. (For details, please refer to: )

[Note] China Packaging Information Network is the official website of China Packaging News and China Packaging Industry Magazine.

Contact: Gu Yingyi Mobile Phone

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