According to the management method for paid use of plastic shopping bags that was launched on June 1st, retail outlets can independently price bags, but they must be clearly priced, and must not be lower than the cost price, and they must not be discounted. If they find that there is free white plastic shopping, Consumers of bags will face fines of up to one million. The Ministry of Commerce and the People's Republic of China prohibits "retailers" of consumer free plastic bags, including various types of retail service supermarkets, shopping malls, bazaars, catering companies, and bakeries, etc., which are not within the limits. Wuhan consumes 3,000 tons of plastic bags each year. - Statistical data Wuhan consumes over 20 billion shopping bags per year, including the supermarket industry's annual consumption of about 670 million shopping bags. At present, Wuhan ultra-thin plastic bags come from Henan and Anhui, and another is used for more than 70% of local production. After the implementation of the “plastic limit order” on June 1, hundreds of tons of existing ultra-thin plastic shopping bags in Wuhan will be returned to the factory.

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