Playing is the nature of the child. Toys are the best partners for children.

Small toy plays a big role

0~1 year old

Audiovisual touch toy

The tambourine sounds like a sway, swaying the toy, attracting the child, and practicing it to turn over, crawl, and stand.

1~2 years old

Push-pull, ball toys, building blocks toys

Push-pull and ball toys help children to maintain balance during independent walking. Building blocks can promote children's perception of shape and color.

2~4 years old

Shaking, balancing toys, colorful toys

Toys with bright colors and simple shapes make children familiar with the text environment. Shaking toys such as wooden horses and swings cultivate children's balance ability and body coordination.

4~6 years old

Plush toys , models, play house toys

The play family allows the child to play the role of "adult", set up his own Sims, and accelerate the formation of the child's emotional intelligence.

6~8 years old

Painting, music toys, educational toys

Painting toys can stimulate children's artistic ability. Educational toys, fully satisfy the child's curiosity and develop intelligence. (Yan Shuangshuang)