First, the composition of the packaging display surface mainly includes the following:
The relationship between graphics and graphics;
The relationship between graphics and text;
The relationship between text and text;
The relationship between different color blocks;
The relationship between different packaging surfaces;
The relationship between the inside and outside surfaces of the packaging;
The series relationship of different packaging units;

II. Precautions for the overall arrangement of the packaging Attention to the unity of the whole According to the concept, the performance of the point to package a certain overall image, there must be a basic pattern and a compositional tone, and then dominate the specific treatment of local components.

Note the ratio of the amount of each local component such as the size of the area, the weight of the color, and the like.

Note the symmetry, response, support, occlusion, gradient, styling, etc.

Attention to the vividness of change There is no unified foundation to talk about change, no difference in change is not uniform, the so-called change is to break through the monotony, so that the relationship is full of vitality.

Use differences to achieve artistic effects